18 April 2009

I'm smart, because...


I'm smart, because I went to SPCC. Unlike You.

"Note to all members: I started this group thinking that us SPCCers were too passive. Yes, most of you guys are extremely gifted and intelligent, but what I've seen in my fellow classmates is they hardly ever speak their minds, or challenge any existing ideas.

I understand being humble is one of the finest traditions of SPCC, which is probably difficult to find nowadays among students. However, is it arrogant to admit that "Yes, we are proud of being a SPCC student." or "Not everybody gets into SPCC."? I'm not even saying that we should yell and let every person on earth how awesome we are or look down on every other human beings, but we should not be afraid to admit our strengths.

Instead, be proud of where we come from and know that it is, indeed, one of the best highschools in the world. It's okay to be outspoken. It's okay to break rules sometimes.

I'm Americanized to an extend. Excuse me for creating such a controversial group title. I was hoping that at least the people who joined this group would understand my intention; unfortunately, a number of people joined and stirred up unnecessary drama that I never intented for it to happen."


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