15 September 2008


無線(a.ka. 三色台)經常翻播周星馳的戲. 當然少不得唐白虎點秋香.

不久前的京奧開幕式跟它也有一段關係. 話說開幕當中的有舞蹈演員於巨大的畫布上用衣袖作畫. 雙手作山嶺. 而我聽到有人討論那畫面不禁大笑, 道:「那不就是唐白虎點秋香?」

原來, 我們的電影如此有深度. 張導也曾參考. (說笑罷了. 當中無事實根據. ) 個人認為, 此幕除了搞笑元素, 也有文化氣息在裡頭. 唐白虎的「神」通過人體作畫來表達, 其實也可以很優美. 諸君看京奧, 不也是叫好嗎. 只不過套在另一個環境內, 有周星馳, 陳百祥, 加入低級笑位, 我只不然有另一種看法.

人體作畫這意念令我留下印象外, 更多的深刻感覺來至音樂. 當長畫一完, 響起一段音樂. 是拉克曼尼諾夫的c 小調第二號鋼琴協奏曲, 作品編號18, 第三樂章的其中一小選段. 用了似 midi 的安排. 不過, 很難想像會有這麼一個選擇. 究竟是音樂人開的玩笑, 還是覺得這段能表現「氣吞天下」的氣魄呢? 這不得而知, 不過原本樂曲也很雄偉.

後記: 其實周星馳的作品也不是一味搞笑無品味. 記得陶國璋老師曾經將劉鎮偉的西遊記剪掉吳萬達跟搞笑的戲, 讓我們發現別有洞天. 當然愚昧的我未得陶老師指點前, 只懂得笑笑笑跟說跟本身西遊記相去甚遠.


  1. wakakaka...i never give too much thought to stephen chow's movies coz i usually watch it as an entertainment dat dun require any use of my brain
    but i rmb long time ago i heard abt how stephen chow's movies hv been praised...ppl usually thk dat his movies are "cheap" bcoz the gags in it is of low class, but in fact many of us grew out fom it and it has a great influence in our slangs today...and all the movies show how smart stephen is coz the hardest kind of movie to film is comedy coz it's much harder to get everyone laughing thorough every min during a movie than to make ppl cry or freak out, indeed many ppl reli laugh frm the bottom of their hearts when they watch his movies, at least i do XD

  2. hahaha, i hv watched all of those u just said XD in fact i m a fan of him la...i like watching his movies...but i just seldom make a deeper thought after i watched them XD
    but i dun like his films these days anymore...
