In earlier eras, from the seventeenth century until the late twentieth century, most philosophers in the Western tradition were preoccupied with epistemic questions. Even questions about language and society were construed as largely epistemic: How do we know what other people mean when they talk? How do we know that the statements we make about social reality are really true? How do we verify them? These are interesting questions, but I regard them as peripheral. One of the agreeable features of writing in the present eta is that we have in large part overcome our three-hundred-year obsession with epistemology and skepticism. No doubt many interesting epistemic questions remain, but in this investigation I will mostly ignore them.我估關於我對於意識形態的看法是跟那兩個問題相關。
1. 論述與社會現實不相符
2. 論述影響人的行動